Contents. --------- 1. What is MaMa? 2. Installation. 3. Tested Platforms. 4. Support. 1. What is MaMa? ---------------- "MaMa" is short for "Make Master". MaMa provides a graphical front end for 'make' program. I do a lot of programming work at *NIX environment and for that I use always make program with Makefiles. I started to write the interface from my spare time after I noticed myself all the time typing the same commands like 'make all', 'make foo', cd .., 'make bar', 'make depend', cd blah, 'make all', 'make install' etc. So, I thought that why not to make it a little simpler and here it is -- THE VERY FIRST VERSION OF MAMA. The application, that's basic aid is to get off of this annoying command-line 'make ' touch-typing and use some kind of hit-and-go interface instead. I hope You'll enjoy it too. MaMa maybe doesn't makes any sense while You have a single makefile with one target You are typing in all the time, because a good shell should support an arrow up functionality for getting old commands back and enter them with little count of hitting keyboard, but if You have several makefiles with several targets You are making sequently, MaMa may be usefull. Nevertheless, in future I hope to add more functionality to MaMa (for example convenient makefile creation and editing possibilities). Then it may be reasonably usefull for smaller amounts of 'makingwork' too. 2. Installation. ---------------- These are the steps to install MaMa version 1.0b0. Quite likely it should work ok if You are trying to install on any platform named in next section, "Tested Platforms". On other platforms You have quite a good possibility to see strange behavior or even fatal errors somewhere. 1) Run the '' script, which is included in MaMa package, at the command line. 2) Answer the questions and follow the instructions during interaction with the script. 3) If everything is OK, it should work now. To run the MaMa, type mama at Your command line prompt. 4) Read the documentation available on help menu, while running MaMa, for further information. 3. Tested Platforms. -------------------- IRIX 6.2 RedHat Linux 4.2 and 5.0 SunOS 5.6 4. Support. ----------- If something goes wrong, send an email to with a description about what happened. Then I can help You and add a support for the situation to the next release of MaMa... maybe :)... There is also a WWW page for MaMa available: -- Asko Seeba (alias Joka) --